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Sleep healthy or healthy sleep?

Sometimes I think I go too far with this topic. But the topic of Sleep is just as much a part of working out as nutrition, and is an essential part of regeneration in the process of supercompensation, in my opinion a biological principle of adaptation, and certainly part of the success process in anti-aging.

Sleep yourself slim

That would be the solution! But it’s not that simple … or is it?

If you consider some principles, one can actually burn calories while sleeping … apart from that,
the basal metabolic rate and so on …
the little mysterious compounds called
hormones, some of which even have their own rhythm, and
a lowered glucose level at the right time, as when fasting.
That sounds too “mainsational” … my own made-up word for something mainstream and sensational.

There is only a brief physiological connection between appetite and sleep, or body weight and sleep. And this short excursion shows you the somewhat controversial complexity of the topic. I do not mean losing weight overnight. This is due in part to the physical activity of the muscles. In order for that to happen, however, one first has to have muscles that burn energy. Actually, not just the physical activity of the muscle. Let’s literally go higher, to a place in the head, or to be more precise, the “sub-chamber” of the brain, the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus has its fingers everywhere in the body, including in the circadian rhythm. There, a certain nucleus (I can never remember the name of it!) produces the neurotransmitter histamine and a peptide called orexin. This is a very interesting peptide Orexin itself works through certain receptors on the lateral hypothalamus and leads to increased alertness. Mutations of this receptor are deemed responsible for symptoms of narcolepsy. And best of all, orexin is used as a wake-up drug e.g. for fighter pilots. The interesting thing in this context is that insomnia can lead to an increase in …
… food intake and weight loss at the same time?!

Orexin, however, has an appetite-increasing effect. Strictly speaking, these are two different aspects … appetite and food intake that only seem to be related … and the question is: which of them wins? What I mean by this is that appetite and food intake are also influenced by other completely separate factors via the hypothalamus.

Back to sleep

Other key areas of the hypothalamus also participate in the induction of sleep. And lesions in these areas can mean or lead to insomnia – interesting. And yet other key areas of the hypothalamus receive direct information from the retina. In these key areas scientists suspect the body clock, i.e. neurons that are responsible for the circadian rhythm. These key areas control the activity of the sympathetic nervous system very strongly. What impact does that have? And this system in turn controls the release of melatonin from the pineal gland. The hormone secretion increases soon after the onset of darkness and contributes to the induction of sleep – also interesting. What I would like to indicate here is the complexity of these processes. As I have already indicated, I am going to introduce you to some interesting articles on the subject that we can talk, or better yet, write about. The principle of “Those who heal are right” also applies here. But being healed could mean different things to different people.
There is a lot of research being conducted in the area of sleep. When a lot of research is done, an incredible amount is written. If a lot is written, then a lot is refuted sooner or later. There is a lot of redundancy, which obscures what is of real importance.
We don’t need to talk about the real importance of sleep here. Everyone knows how good it feels to be well rested. If that is not the case, then everyone knows the effects on functional sequences.

A brief introduction to the topic.

It’s about returning to the functional area and its measured values. But only roughly speaking and a bit metaphorically. (Oh yes, I love metaphors) It’s about the EEG method, in which the current function is represented as ripples, small waves or calm, long synchronous waves. Or no waves – which we can only hope is a technical problem!
So for me sleep, if we compare it to the EEG, is like mixing a cocktail: it may or may not work. At the beginning, sometimes there is a short push, a twitch: the lid of the mixer was not yet closed, the rising reticular activating system interferes with the one that has already been switched off, you are awake again. So once again from the beginning!
And then they come…

First the shorter waves: the mixing begins. The bartender is still concentrating on ensuring that the lid does not come off the blender.
Then come the longer waves: the bartender is in his element and looks at you. Suddenly he changes his motions. He twitches. Not you. (Or, it’s better if you haven’t noticed.)
No more long waves.
And then … it starts all over again from the beginning, but this time without any twitching, at least for the most part, and the phases shift. He immediately relaxes again or he concentrates on the mixer.

The whole thing repeats itself a few times and what the result turns out to be is, more or less, the perfect drink, or perfect … sleep … And what I mean by that is being well rested.
Simply put, some cocktails have to be mixed in a certain way: shaken, stirred, etc. If they’re ordered or prepared incorrectly then the end result may not be pleasant. But there are certain cocktails that can only be shaken or stirred, regardless of how they were ordered, or by whom, if you know who I mean ….
I want to simply express here that there are huge differences in sleep rhythms as well as sleep depth and sleep intensity. To help you find out what is best for you I recommend the following article and we could have a private chat to discuss.

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Foto powered by Jörg Riethausen